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Why Elevated Metadata is the Foundation of the AI-Powered Media Supply Chain

埃里克·卡森, EVP Strategic Growth at Vubiquity, a global leader in software and services for communications and media companies, 他分享了他的想法,为什么他认为提升元数据是人工智能媒体供应的基础


Metadata is fundamental to creating an exceptional viewer experience, but for all that can be achieved with enriched and comprehensive metadata, attaining that level of detail remains a challenge. At its fullest potential, metadata enables discoverability and personalization. It facilitates accurate distribution, 为观众提供适合其视频服务和观看设备的高质量内容. 同样重要的是, 准确和全面的元数据对于优化内容销售和增强盈利至关重要.

可靠的元数据是任何高性能媒体工作流的基础. It has been around for decades. 然而,尽管元数据很重要且存在很长时间,但元数据工具和解决方案却很少. With the growing complexity of the media landscape—specifically, 流媒体服务的兴起和数字内容库的扩展——管理和利用元数据是一个真正的挑战. Vubiquity通过MetaVU等新的人工智能工具和服务引领元数据的发展,帮助客户充分认识他们的图书馆,并最大限度地提高销售和效率. 

Why Metadata Management Matters

The beginning of metadata in media operations was marked by its limitations, primarily due to physical media. 最初, captured metadata was minimal, 通常仅限于VHS磁带等物理介质上的标签上的内容, dvd, 或者电影胶片. As content libraries migrated from film to digital, 这种跟踪和组织元数据的方法很快导致了不一致和不完整的数字元数据, varying widely in nomenclature and categorization. 它的基础不稳固,元数据不完整且不标准,因此很难有效地利用库. 

回顾过去五年:随着数字内容平台的爆炸式增长,元数据的数量和价值都在上升. Beyond 信息 on genre, actors, etc. metadata must now include rights and avails 信息, 在决定如何以及在何处分发内容方面,哪个起着关键作用. 这种耦合确保了内容在不违反合同协议或侵犯知识产权的情况下到达其目标受众. For global distribution, 这一点尤其重要,因为它涉及到如何驾驭复杂的区域许可协议网络, 语言首选项, and cultural sensitivities. 简而言之,不一致或不完整的元数据会危及整个媒体供应链.  


当面对不完整的元数据时,媒体机构的第一步是将其填满. 这是一个耗时的过程,导致许多人使用第三方数据提供商. These services deliver little insight into how data is collected, or if data relies on user-generated content. 在这两个例子中, this can lead to the introduction of inaccuracies or irrelevant 信息, ultimately detracting from the authenticity and integrity of the content, and creating poor user experiences.

现代元数据管理中的另一个常见痛点是,当媒体机构获得内容库时,组织混乱的元数据的任务. When content is acquired or licensed from various sources, there is a notable loss of control over its metadata. 这是由于不同的内容创建者和发布者使用不同的系统和标准, 这使得维护准确一致的元数据变得非常困难. 纠正需要大量投入百家乐软件时间来手动解析和组织这些信息.

The Urgency of Standardizing Libraries 

The drive towards metadata standardization, championed by initiatives such as those recommended by MovieLabs, underscores the industry's pursuit of uniformity and efficiency. 然而, this endeavor introduces complexities, 特别是在遵守特定的命名约定和模式方面,这些约定和模式旨在跨无数平台协调元数据. 这种标准化要求对细节的严格关注和对一致性的坚定承诺, posing challenges in managing metadata effectively.

Standardization efforts aim to simplify the metadata ecosystem, 确保跨不同平台和系统的互操作性和无缝集成. By adopting standardized practices, the industry can mitigate the challenges of decentralized title metadata, multiple back-end systems and legacy silos, which have historically plagued media operations. This unified approach fosters a streamlined, 有效的元数据管理方法对于扩展操作和扩展地理范围至关重要.

一个恰当的例子, while Generative AI was dominating the conversation, 我们的MetaVU解决方案在NAB 2024上获得了最佳展示和年度产品奖. 世界上最大的媒体贸易展将元数据解决方案的重要性放在了最重要的位置. 没有他们, utilizing AI (no matter how good it is), 如果你的基础不是坚如磐石,那么一切都是不可能的吗.

How MetaVU Addresses the Challenges of Metadata

MetaVU is Vubiquity's centralized, cloud-based metadata management solution that simplifies title, rights and avails metadata for digital content platforms, 提供了一个高度可扩展的命名法,符合MovieLabs的标准化模式. MetaVU利用其强大的人工智能功能来标记缺失或不完整的数据,并提供信息来填补这些空白, 确保每个内容都针对每个分发端点进行了优化. MetaVU can enrich metadata at scale while minimizing the risk of human error, 使其成为一个面向未来的解决方案,能够适应不断变化的标准和需求. 这种全面的元数据处理方法不仅简化了操作,而且为更复杂的操作奠定了基础, AI-powered automation efforts across the media supply chain.

媒体供应链中人工智能自动化的未来在很大程度上依赖于高质量元数据的可用性. Metadata acts as the linchpin for AI algorithms, enabling them to intelligently analyze content, predict trends and make data-driven decisions. 与MetaVU, Vubiquity不仅预测到这些未来的需求,而且积极地为支持媒体行业下一波创新的基础设施做出贡献.

Here’s How to Control Your Metadata 

元数据的未来并不是终点线的赛跑,而是在一个创新不可阻挡的行业中,利用它来宣称自己的优势. MetaVU is more than just an ally in the metadata management battle; it lays the groundwork for the advanced AI-driven media supply chain automation that is coming. 

Connect with us to learn how we can help get your metadata in order: