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How Premium Sports Streaming Licensing Will Shake Out in 2024 和 Beyond

随着顶级体育流媒体版权的价格不断达到天文数字的水平, the potential disruption created by the blockbuster ESPN/Fox/Warner Bros. joint venture (popularly termed “Spulu”) teased in February, 随着2024年的到来,体育授权会是什么样子,谁能负担得起,这是每个人的猜测. Will it play out differently in the U.S. 和欧洲? 随着成本转嫁给用户,体育迷们为什么不坚持使用有线电视呢?

首席执行官埃文•夏皮罗 ESHAP, discusses this topic with Paul Erickson, Founder 和 Principal, 埃里克森的策略 & 的见解, Ophelie Boucaud, Senior Analyst, Dataxis, Alan Wolk, Co-Founder/Lead Analyst, TVREV, in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2024.

“现在哪家公司最能充分利用昂贵的体育版权联盟关系?夏皮罗想知道. “我认为,大型科技公司是唯一能够支付得起购买顶级体育赛事版权所需的疯狂价格的公司. 所以, 国家橄榄球联盟, IPL, 英超联赛 这类公司? 依赖 is the owner of cricket streaming rights in India. 迪士尼现在拥有大量的版权,但如果你看看冰球在美国的发展情况, YouTube亚马逊 seem to have a better position than ESPN 可能. So I'm going to toss this out t在这里 to you all, but also on the back end of that, [Spulu站在哪里], 在这一切的背景下, [和] who can best take advantage of sports rights?”

埃里克森说, “我认为这是服务行业长期存在的问题,内容成本一直在上升, especially the highest value content, 哪个更倾向于运动. 我们已经从亚马逊与国家橄榄球联盟的合作以及谷歌与YouTube上电视的合作中看到. 我认为这只会加速体育直播价格的上涨. And in the end, how are they able to afford it? Well, they're able to absorb it in their very diversified businesses. They can absorb that massive cost 和 make it work.他进一步强调,像Spulu这样的实体可能是唯一一家有足够议价能力与大型科技公司竞争的娱乐行业集团.  

然而, 沃尔克认为,大型科技公司仍将在体育流媒体领域占据主导地位,因为各大联盟都知道,与任何流媒体平台相比,几年后它们仍将存在. 谷歌(google)旗下的YouTube上电视等平台可以以比流媒体服务更低的价格提供更多的体育节目.

夏皮罗指出,这是美国和欧洲的广播公司和流媒体公司在体育方面面临的最大问题. “These rights aren't profitable,” he 说. “T在这里's just no way to make them profitable. I don't care how many subscribers you sign up for a day; it's going to be hard to justify a hundred million dollars per game.“然而, 他说,欧洲广播公司的情况要好一些,因为体育直播本质上是一项有保障的公共服务.

“是的,” Boucaud 说. “But then you also have a lot of premium sports that are very expensive, that used to be bought by the big pay TV names in Europe, (像) 天空, Canal +…”

“Who’s going to buy those now, do you think?夏皮罗问道.

Boucaud 说 that it will primarily be DAZN. 夏皮罗问她DAZN的策略是什么,因为在他看来,这更像是一种“退出策略”.”

Boucaud 说 that DAZN recently published its 2022 annual report, while it was released oddly late, it showed that it is reducing its debt. Even though it is still $1 billion in debt, she speculates that its situation may have improved in 2023.

“But they’ve invested in many sports rights over that time,” Shapiro 说.

“But they have a very interesting strategy because they're an OTT platform,” Boucaud 说. “他们可以负担得起以前许多其他付费电视有线电视代码无法做到的事情, 哪一款游戏在额外的互动功能和商品营销上投入了大量资金. 他们可以比其他公司更好地推出以收入为导向的功能,因为他们主要依靠广播来产生收入. 因此,他们实际上可能正在走向盈利,离现在不远了.”

Shapiro observes that in Europe, 传统上, sports broadcasting has often been bundled with mobile carriers, which may help to offset other losses.

“他们曾经是。” Boucaud 说. “但现在越来越少了. 亚马逊 Prime entered in France 和 DAZN has the rights in most markets now, except for France. But the tender is still pending for the domestic championship in soccer. And the thing is, outside of soccer, not much costs a lot in Europe.”

Wolk问 Boucaud, “Do they make less money on advertising in soccer? Because in American football 和 basketball, t在这里 are just so many breaks. They can run so many commercials. Soccer is a very different game. Do they make less money that way?”

“Yeah, they make way less money,” Boucaud 说. “I don't know how it works exactly for media sales in the US, specifically for the big games, 但在欧洲, 对于广告销售,我们在不同的市场仍然有非常严格的规定. So you are limited in how many ad breaks you can put in, even if the prices go up during big games, it's now在这里 comparable to what's going on with the 国家橄榄球联盟. 地方.”

See videos of the full program from 流媒体 Connect February 2024 在这里.

We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How Can Sports Streaming Surpass Broadcast 和 Cable?

衡量体育流媒体成功与否的第一个标准是复制有线电视/广播电视的体验, 但AWS的朱莉·尼南·索萨坚持认为,在利用流媒体的核心优势方面,体育流媒体应该把目标定得更高, from interactivity to betting to personalization to live ecommerce. 与此同时,ViewLift的Chance 梅森认为,下一级体育流媒体传输的关键是像AWS这样的流媒体基础设施公司接受他们作为D2C媒体公司的新兴角色,并在这一层面与体育联盟和体育版权所有者合作. Souza, 梅森, 和Altman Solon的Matt del Percio在流媒体连接2024的这段视频中讨论了体育流媒体的这些和其他新兴机会.

Post-Peak Performance in the M&E宇宙

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AWS, ViewLift & Altman Solon on the State of Sports Media 2024

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Are Global Sports Streaming Rights Shifting?

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