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How important is maintaining brand identity and differentiation in streaming UX and app design, 多么重要, 甚至不可能或不明智, is it to sustain a consistent look and feel across different platforms? 品牌在整个粉丝体验中是多么重要, or building a fan base for the content associated with your brand? Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件, 特约编辑,流媒体, discusses this topic with James Lauzun, Chief Product Officer, MagellanTV埃丝特·安,用户体验主管 YouTube上电视 and YouTube Primetime Channels, and Tom Hurlbutt, Senior Director of Product Management, Crunchyroll,在这个剪辑中 流媒体连接2024.

Krefetz说, 致小组, “当你谈论你的品牌时, how do you differentiate the brand that you have versus the UX you have on any particular platform? 让它们具体到你正在做的事情上? 因为很明显, 苹果电视 不同于 安卓 电话.”

Lauzun says that Magellan isn’t going for the same look and feel on every platform. “为了更好地帮助用户体验, 你希望你的应用给人的感觉是专为这个平台设计的,他说. “用户知道如何使用他们的遥控器. So, we need to make sure that we support the platform in the way that it intends to be used. 而且,平台经常让你这么做(LG就像魔术棒的指针系统. 你必须能够支持它. So I think we can aid in communications and help our viewers use our products by trying not to preserve an identical experience, 而是保留设计的特性, 但不一定是相同的具体经历.”

Krefetz说 to Ahn that YouTube has both a corporate brand but that it is also heavily customizable for individuals, 她想知道他们是如何处理这些动态的.

“Our umbrella brand is YouTube, and our global mission is to give everyone a voice,” Ahn says. “And that translates to how we are meeting our viewers' needs and expectations around the different types of content they want to watch. 人们带着不同的期望来到这里. Those that want to watch live on-demand movies, shows, and sports. And so we're always trying to figure out how to offer those experiences so viewers can easily find what they want to watch while also being able to discover new types of content. As you can imagine, t在这里 are a lot of different ways to watch, from long-form to short-form content. 现在, we have a platform with YouTube w在这里 you can get really amazing user-generated content, 游戏, 音乐, 以及所有不同类型的垂线. And then, we have YouTube上电视, which is our standalone live TV streaming service. We found that the subscribers coming to YouTube上电视 are coming for the content and the features we offer. We bring increased interactivity and personalization to live content. And so this is something that has been of interest and value to a lot of users coming onto the platform.”

Krefetz问, “就品牌视觉或理念而言, 与YouTube相比,YouTube上电视如何脱颖而出? 因为它们显然是两种不同的环境.”

“Our tenet is that we have a design system that crosses both,” Ahn says. “We don't want to create any confusion for viewers just trying to use some playback controls. You might want to fast forward, you might want to pause, but how do you purchase? 所以很多都是在设计系统中共享的. We believe that's really important because it's focused on creating consistent experiences for our viewers. 很明显,我们在某些方面会有所偏离, and I think we're always looking at each individual journey and what people are trying to accomplish, 但也要创造一些东西,让它感觉像是一个系统的一部分.”

Krefetz问 Hurlbutt, “How are you differentiating when you present to the consumer? [As in], this is Crunchyroll versus this is a particular program?”

Hurlbutt says that Crunchyroll focuses on facilitating fandom and deepening fans' connection with their specific interests. “They come because they have a deep connection to the universe and the IP in and of itself,他说. “他们与故事紧密相连, 的字符, 序列, 这个动作, 音乐, 以及周围的一切. And w在这里 Crunchyroll comes in is being that facilitator of fandom to allow our fans to really connect deeply with their specific universe. 就我们的飞轮而言, we invest heavily in being able to bring in items that are adjacent to the content itself, 无论是漫画, 无论是商品营销, whether it's theatrical so that our fans really see Crunchyroll as a way to be able to truly deepen their connection and their engagement with the content. 而不是试图为每个人做点什么, (我们)试图成为某人的一切, w在这里 [they] feel like Crunchyroll allows them to be the true fan that they are.”

See videos of the full program from 流媒体 Connect February 2024 在这里.

我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


How important is it for streaming users and viewers to be able to customize, 个性化, 并管理他们使用流媒体应用程序的体验? And what are product designers doing to facilitate those types of experiences? YouTube电视台的埃丝特·安报道, Crunchyroll的Tom Hurlbutt, and Magellan TV's James Lauzun offer their takes in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


What does it take to be a streaming app designer and director of product in 2024? 根据YouTube电视台的埃斯特·安的说法, Crunchyroll的Tom Hurlbutt, 以及菲罗的布兰登·雅普, embracing the evolution of that role means rolling with ongoing changes in the device ecosystem, 查看器行为和设备首选项, 以及电视观看体验的现代化, 正如他们在2024年流媒体连接的这段视频中讨论的那样.


Navigating today's streaming apps and subscriptions can seem unnecessarily complicated, particularly as paid subscription and free service apps from major content companies often sit side by side, 甚至看起来在相互竞争. Is this a necessary condition, what factors are driving it, and how is it likely to change? 华纳兄弟. 《百家乐软件》杂志的丹尼尔·特罗塔报道, 康泰纳仕的詹妮弗·琼斯, and ESHAP's Evan Shapiro discuss in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.
