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L.A. Stories: 脸谱网 and Verizon Bring Video Production In-House

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"Would you guys consider going on a real-life mission together?" an off-screen interviewer asked Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon. 的 pair were in a 脸谱网的工作室 promoting their movie 的 Spy Who Dumped Me. Before they could answer, Kunis saw something that stole her attention. 

“玛丽Traceman!" Kunis screamed.

"Do you know her?" McKinnon asked.

“是的!" 的n a moment later, "She's Mary Traceman! Mary Traceman, my friend from childhood. Guys, that is freaky! That is Mary, and we would go on a mission together."

这只能在脸谱网位于洛杉矶Playa Vista附近的内部视频工作室实现, where celebs field questions from the internet's largest social graph. After Kunis saw that familiar name, the studio crew hunted down the long-lost friend, 一开始只是标准的电影宣传,结果却出人意料地建立了一种甜蜜的人际关系. 

名人造访脸谱网在Playa Vista的办公室是很常见的,但他们的到来并不仅仅是为了创造机会 周末广告片. 脸谱网向各种类型的有影响力的人伸出援手,邀请他们学习如何为脸谱网创造成功的内容 Watch, 脸谱网 Live, and Instagram. Its crew brings 经验 from the TV, advertising, and online video worlds and always has a few best practices to share. 

“我们主要教公众人物、创作者和任何类型的媒体合作伙伴, 如何将视频放到脸谱网上,”《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的制作合作主管Kelly Michelena解释道 脸谱网. "We're mainly focused on 现场观看. A good example is, if you are a creator you might say, ‘Hey, how do I record an IGTV video or just an Instagram Story? I'm a little intimidated. It feels like you've just got a new feature that came 出.' And instead of having one of 脸谱网或Instagram的合作伙伴经理们在电话里淡淡地解释了类似的事情 say, ‘为什么不 you come in? 来普拉亚吧 Vista. Come check 出 our studios. 为什么不 我只是展示给你们看? Let's live it, let's 经验 it instead of just telling you over the phone.'"

Creators with followings large and small take advantage of that opportunity. K-pop dancer 苏茜Meoww, for one, brought her crew in for a few tips on shooting social video. She was able to test 出 ideas in front of and behind the camera, so she could re-create the same elements in future videos. 

米切莱娜说:“自从拜访我们之后,她的制作质量真的提高了。. "She was just sticking her phone in the corner and dancing in hallways at UCLA where she 是一名学生. And then she came to us and we showed her a couple of tricks to make it look a little more premium."


K-pop dancer 苏茜Meoww has more than 300,000 followers on Instagram, 但她只是在加州大学洛杉矶分校的走廊里拍摄视频,直到她来到脸谱网的工作室,提高了她的制作水平.

Jada Pinkett Smith hosts a successful on-demand show for 脸谱网 called 红桌谈话, and sometimes she drops by the studio for a live after-show. "We've actually sent our 我们的团队,我们的工作人员,去她卡拉巴萨斯的家几次,她说,'嘿,我想做这个 in the comfort of my house.' 当贾达这么说的时候,你就说,‘五分钟后到,’”米切莱娜开玩笑说. 

脸谱网的工作人员还构思了一些有趣的一次性活动,供创作者参与. 的 studio includes a full gaming setup, and it 最近举办了 堪萨斯城酋长队的四分卫Patrick Mahomes和玩家GoodGameBro一起玩80年代的足球游戏, '90s, 和2000年代. 

米切莱娜说:“他们俩对合作感到兴奋。. “GoodGameBro可以见到NFL MVP, NFL MVP也可以见到他们崇拜的人. And they're playing together. We captured their interaction live and then showed them how they might work on future collaborations together." 

脸谱网 is no longer encouraging news partners to pivot to video, but video is still a big part of what it offers. According to company stats from June 2019, 全球超过7.2亿人每月至少在Watch上花费1分钟, 1.4亿 spent more than 26 minutes on Watch videos 每天. 的 Playa Vista office isn't the company's only video studio, as it counts 18 around the world, with four in North America, nine in Asia-Pacific, three in Latin America, and two in Europe and the Middle East. 

除了在脸谱网上录制,一些创作者还利用这个平台帮助塑造他们的想法. Hispanic comedy duo 的 Crazy Gorilla tests 在脸谱网粉丝面前展示自己的想法,以获得反馈和想法. Often, the best ideas end up as part of the skit.

“他们经常上演的一个小品是‘如果Siri是墨西哥人,她会说什么?' And their community on 脸谱网, the people who are fans of 疯狂大猩猩的页面,会在下面评论,说“吃点东西, mijito'," Michelena说. "的y'll go, 'Oh my God, that's hilarious,' and then they will go and script a skit 他们在厨房里说,‘Siri,给我放点东西’,她回答说,‘以前 I play something, eat something, mijito.’”, then their audience goes nuts because they may say, 'That was me! That was my suggestion.'"

Verizon Media's 5G Future

A short Uber ride from 脸谱网's Playa Vista office sits Verizon Media's RYOT 5G Studio, where the RYOT Lab and its partners are 创建 the future of VR, AR, and immersive video. It's the only video studio in the world armed with a 5G node, allowing it to develop and test even richer 经验s. 

This studio is an incubator, a place for new concepts to take shape. For one thing, it's home 对Hypezilla, 这是RYOT和雅虎在2019年夏天推出的一个紫色毛茸茸的老虎动画角色,作为突出购物优惠的短视频的在线主持人. 的 character is fun and energetic, 但真正令人印象深刻的是,他是一个穿着动作捕捉服的演员,在片场进行了实时渲染. 他身上的皮毛非常细致,灯光总是很逼真. Rather than taking days or weeks to render the animation, 威瑞森的工作室会立即把它吐出来,这样演员就能清楚地看到他在创作什么. 

Verizon Media 5G RYOT Studio

Verizon Media的RYOT 5G工作室是世界上唯一一个配备5G节点的视频工作室, which allows the creation of real-time animation
and immersive VR and AR 经验s.

令人印象深刻的是,RYOT正在做一个更鼓舞人心的工作,在那里 将下一代AR和VR体验与雅虎的分销渠道和合作伙伴网络相结合. RYOT于2012年作为一家独立公司成立,2016年被《百家乐软件》收购,后者与美国在线的其他部门一起被威瑞森收购 前一年. RYOT's focus has changed from socially conscious VR and 360° productions, but it's still 创建 a new world of immersive 经验s. 例如, it helped start the Yahoo 新闻 XR Partner Program in spring 2019, bringing immersive 经验s to news reporting. People using the Yahoo 新闻 app are able to go inside news stories in surprisingly intimate ways. A recent production called "Rebuilding Paradise" used AR to show how a Paradise, Calif., family is rebuilding their home following the Camp Fire, and it featured family photos to show what they've lost. 的 经验 invited viewers to step inside the partially rebuilt home and look around. RYOT partners with Reuters, Associated Press, USA TODAY, and TIME on immersive content and posts to in-house channels, including HuffPost 和雅虎新闻. 

"新闻 stories in particular are the most successful when they're part of a larger package," explains Laura Hertzfeld, director of the Yahoo 新闻 XR Partner Program. “我们有这个 reporter who had been consistently covering climate change in relation to wildfires, and so we knew this is something that people would be interested in, and wondered how can we get them into the story in another way, and build empathy as well?"

RYOT还使用沉浸式视频来创造艺术体验,并将其分发出去 through movie festivals. 一个工作, developed with artist Azuma Makoto and called "A Life in Flowers," interviews the viewer ab出 his or her goals and life 经验s, then creates a bouquet customized to represent hopes, wants, 和梦想. It, like much of what RYOT does, is experimental, but that's how new visions take shape.

"Everything that we're 创建—the tool sets, the framework, the studio spaces—we're making bets on 5G, and what this technology is going to do," says Nigel Tierney, RYOT's head 
的内容. "We're not going to be the only ones doing it. That's why we want to make key partners, whether it's established companies, up-and-coming filmmakers, or folks who are digitally native, that really understand this space. 这种练习有很多失败,但我认为对我们来说,这只是一种学习 able to see what things work or what things make us say, 'Okay, let's never do that again.'"

一些 RYOT's efforts are commercial, such as AR ads for Pottery Barn and Macy's that show people how products would look in their 自己的房间. And some are more personal, such 作为为石墙暴动50周年而创造的AR体验,这两者结合在一起 详细的激光映射石墙客栈与后期制作效果,以显示如何 酒吧在那年夏天进行了调查,然后添加了对石墙老主顾的音频采访. Verizon Media is reaching 出 in a variety of ways, 创建, 试验, and seeing what works as it prepares for an even more immersive future.

"I think augmented reality is a big use case. 我从事这个领域是因为我相信增强现实最终会是所有人机交互的未来," says 的o Skye, RYOT's head of product for the mixed reality 平台. “再过几十年,显示技术就会进化到头戴式显示器看起来像一对眼镜的地步 Ray-Bans or someday contact lenses—or, dare I say, neural implants down the road, where we're essentially putting 信息 directly 进入我们的脑海. That will have a pretty massive impact on a whole range of human 经验s and industries."

Immersive video isn't just the future of entertainment, Verizon Media believes; it's the future of human communication. And that's a future RYOT and Verizon Media are committed to building.

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