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从战争罪到战争罪法庭和战争纪念, 我们如何保证内容是可玩的? I introduced the concept of streaming’s chain of custody in my 思维之流 column, 我们的科技进步会减缓司法公正吗? It touched on the proliferation of streaming content during times of turmoil—civil and military unrest and natural disasters—and whether we run the risk of being overwhelmed by that torrent of visual data in chasing down crimes against humanity.

就在我写这篇专栏的时候, 还有一个额外的问题, as social media audio and video streams are being used in the coverage of 俄国的瓦格纳起义使本已混乱的局面更加混乱. This adds to the narrative in which I ended that previous column: How does the industry approach proper archival and chain-of-custody issues so there’s no bottleneck in bringing justice in time for victims to know it’s been properly meted out?

一方面,一方面, there’s the carrot aspect of proper archiving: Moments that define history are often resurrected on anniversaries and key memorial event dates—although it’s very tricky to do in social media platforms that don’t have audio and video searchability functions built in, meaning that it falls to content creators or content owners to generate their own archives. 另一方面, there’s the stick: We archive the content as an overarching line toward justice and remembrance as to how events unfolded.

The combination of these two approaches also runs into a practical matter: How do we archive key historic content in a way that’s not only secured for the chain of custody to confirm veracity of content but also make it available in formats that can be viewed by the ordinary global citizen? That’s a significant amount of ground to cover in a short column, but let’s hit two highlights here.

首先,我强烈推荐 系列文章 作者:Doug wylie, Police1网站编辑,前 流媒体 magazine, around the concept of solving the challenge of 证据管理. Wyllie’s number-one piece of advice for domestic law-enforcement chain of custody? “Agencies must ensure that video evidence—particularly video that was not collected by the on-officer camera—has not been doctored or edited."
Second, the National Archives provides key considerations for 基于磁带的视频格式 其中包括一个小节,叫做 维持数码档案, which points out several key steps in digital file format preservation.

超越监管链, 证据管理, 以及长期格式, there’s a bigger picture that needs to be considered: How do we handle replay of content in a way that brings back the in-real-time sense of an event unfolding, 既不学究也不迂腐, so that future generations don’t approach seminal moments with either a sense of boredom or complacency based on the mundaneness of watching a linear event elongated across multiple isolated audio or video clips?

换句话说, 我们如何呈现准确和未经策划的内容, while also providing it through the lens of newer interactivity and synchronization tools, which allow simultaneous viewing of content from the various angles, 相机类型, 媒体类型, and formats used to capture an overall landscape of an event as it transpired?

A reader might jump to the augmented reality or virtual reality technologies now available, but having been involved in several pioneering projects around synchronization, I think we’re still several steps behind where we could be in bringing history back to life. 我将在下一篇专栏文章中探讨这些问题.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


远不是稀缺的内容, the integration of streaming into professional- and citizen-based news-gathering has generated such a monumental level of potential war-crime footage that every day sees an additional 10-100 documented cases of crimes against humanity. And this increased footage brings with it both greater accountability and a significantly higher backlog of cases that need to be tried.


蒂姆·西格林回顾了他25年的写作生涯, 教练, and consultant in the streaming industry along with his professional partnership with Eric Schu­macher-Rasmussen.

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